As we develop and train our leaders, there will be no services this Sunday (5/26)!

  • We don’t just live here, we love here!

Our local partners serve children, elderly, people in need, and immigrants. We work with them to multiply their impact in our neighborhoods and you can too.

TRUE Mentors mission is to unearth the excellence in children using trusted adult relationships. (Read More)

The Open Door NJNY gives immigrant families the support they need to be strong, contributing members of society. (Read More)

The Hoboken Shelter’s mission is to be a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, & services to support people to become housed. (Read More)

Lunchtime Ministry provides an oasis for those who need a nourishing meal and a place to sit with friends. (Read More)

In Jesus’ Name Charities is a collective compassionate and spiritual response to hunger and poverty in our community in which people may do small acts of kindness and sharing to comfort and help their neighbors in need. (Read More)

New City Kid’s mission is loving kids for change to create a community of spiritual, leadership, academic, and musical development. (Read More)

Hope + Future’s mission is to provide health and wellness programs for youth to give them hope in their academic, social and economic future. (Read More)

Who wouldn’t want to be part of something significant and be known for their extraordinary generosity? We think you’ll find that giving your time improves your life as much as it improves the lives of those you serve.

Mentor a Child

TRUE Mentors, Hope + Future, and New City Kids all have opportunities to work with children.

Cook a Meal

You can help prepare and serve a meal at The Hoboken Shelter or Lunchtime Ministry.

Teach a Class

The Open Door and TRUE Mentors offer opportunities to teach classes to immigrants and children, respectively.

Not sure where you fit, but want to use your gifts and talents. Let us know your areas of expertise and we will let you know about short term projects for our partners such as graphic design, video, communications, legal or event planning.

Submit Your Skills and Interests

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